Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals

baptism-547222_1920Baptism (or Christening) or Thanksgiving Services

Something may have prompted you to think about baptism for some reason. Maybe it was the birth of a baby, or it might have been that you attended a recent church service, or perhaps you were thinking about children in your own family and feel a desire to have them blessed by God. It might even have been that without your realising it, God himself has been nudging you to think further about baptism for those you love or even for you yourself.

If this is the case, and you would like to discuss baptism with someone, then please feel free to call or email the Revd Richard Coutts, our Rector. There are a number of options available. Please leave a message if he is not there. Alternatively call Mrs Joan Armstrong, who is our baptism coordinator.

Revd Richard Coutts, our Rector: 0113 3183664 ;

Joan Armstrong: 0113 2553591

Information Thanksgiving and Baptism Services  

Booking A Wedding     

All are welcome to discuss marriages at our church with Revd Richard Coutts. We offer marriage preparation advice, help in creating your perfect service, and a warm welcome from our church community.

The church of St Thomas is a wonderful venue for a Wedding Ceremony. To book a cubswedding at St Thomas’, you will each need to speak together with the Rector, so that you can agree a good date and time for the wedding day. Not every aspect of the wedding needs to be organized with the Rector, so you may instead, at times, see a wedding administrator to take you through aspects of the planning. You will need to set aside some time for the church based organization, and for some occasional meetings so that for example, the planning of the service can take place.

The legal side of the marriage needs to be properly put into motion and although every person in any relationship is wonderfully different, the legal requirements for any marriage must be adhered to. The Rector will Guide you through this.



At St Thomas’, we’ll always be here to help you through one of life’s most difficult times. A Church of England funeral is available to everyone, giving support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed.

For more information:

Please contact Revd Richard Coutts: 0113 3183664

AChurchNearYou website will give you information about which parish you live within.